
Kalosm is a library with dead simple interfaces for local, language, audio, and image models

Quick Start

  • Add the Kalosm and Tokio libraries
# Enable the metal or cuda feature if you have a supported accelerator
cargo add kalosm --features language
cargo add tokio --features full
  • Initialize a Kalosm model
let model = Llama::new_chat().await?;
  • Start a chat session with a pirate
use kalosm::language::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let model = Llama::new_chat().await?;

    // New code
    let mut chat = model
        .with_system_prompt("The assistant will act like a pirate");

    loop {
        chat(&prompt_input("\n> ")?).to_std_out().await?;
  • Add build configuration to your .cargo/config.toml for improved performance
rustflags = ["-C", "target-cpu=native"]

rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=-avx,-avx2"]
  • Run the program
cargo run --release