Audio Transcription

Kalosm provides helpers that allow you to easily transcribe audio data from either your microphone or a file. In this chapter, we will learn how to use Kalosm to perform real time audio transcription.

Creating a Transcription Model

First, we need to create a transcription model. A transcription model is a machine learning model that can be used to transcribe audio data. Kalosm provides a Whisper struct that can be used to create a transcription model.

use kalosm::sound::*;

// Create a new whisper model
let model = Whisper::new().await?;

Bonus: Download progress

If you need to update progress while you are downloading the model, you can use the whisper builder with the build_with_loading_handler method.

let model = Whisper::builder()
    .build_with_loading_handler(|progress| match &progress {
        ModelLoadingProgress::Downloading {
            progress: file_loading_progress,
        } => {
            let progress = (progress.progress() * 100.0) as u32;
            let elapsed = file_loading_progress.start_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32();
            println!("Downloading file {source} {progress}% ({elapsed}s)");
        ModelLoadingProgress::Loading { progress } => {
            let progress = (progress * 100.0) as u32;
            println!("Loading model {progress}%");

Recording Audio

Next, we need to record some audio from our environment. We can use the MicInput struct with the stream method to stream audio from our microphone:

// Stream audio from the microphone
let mic = MicInput::default();
let stream =;

Transcribing Audio

Finally, we can use the transcribe method to transcribe the audio data that we recorded into text. The transcribe method takes some audio data and returns a stream of snippets of text along with the confidence of the transcription.

// Transcribe the audio.
let mut transcribed = stream.transcribe(model);

// As the model transcribes the audio, print the text to the console.


In this chapter, we learned how to use Kalosm to transcribe audio data from our microphone. Audio data can be a powerful source of real time information. You can combine audio data with retrieval-augmented generation to create a chat bot that understands it's surroundings.